Friday, December 5, 2008


tagged by : Dear Mr. Nicholas Tan

The rules:
-Link to your tagger and post these rules.

*List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people.

1. tall
2. thin
4. funny
5. sampat
6. friendly!!!
7. playful
8. laughs loudly

1. Mabel
2. Cally
3. Yion
4. Nicholas Chow
5. Ilex
6. Vickie
7. Eu gene
8. Chee Fei

-Name: Yu Hui Lim (jess)
-Name you wish you had: satisfied with my wonderful name =)
-What do people normally your name as: ika, fishtail(in chinese)
-Birthday: 2nd Mac
-Bitrhplace: KL
-Time of birth: around midnight if not mistaken
-Single or taken: single n available!
-Zodiac sign: Pisces

-H0w tall are you: 174cm
-Wish you were taller: NOT AT ALL!!
-Eye colour: black
-Current hair color: black.. =(
-Short or long hair: short
-Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: no..
-Last time you did something dramatic with you hair: dye it red but turn out black... =.=
-Glasses or contact: glasses for now
-Do you were make up: depends on the occasion
-Paint your nails: yeap~

*In a opposite gender
-What color eye: blue? =p
-What color hair: anything.. as long as its nice
-Shy or outgoing: outgoing la...
-Serious or fun: i need both...
-Older or younger than you: older will be better
-A turn on: ??
-A turn off: ??

*This and That
-Flowers or chocolates: choco!!! but if there's both its even better. =p
-Pepsi or coke: pepsi, coke has too much of gas
-Rap or rock: rock
-Relationship or one night stand: relationship...
-School or work: school (duh)
-Love or money: i need both to survive
-Movie or music: more to movies
-Country or city: city life is great!
-Sunny or rainy days: do u have to be this extreme? cant i choose moderate??
-Friends or family: i need both... y r u forcing me..???? T-T

*Have you ever
-Lie: honestly, YES!!!
-Stole something: umm... tht's when i was way way small... =p
-Smoked: N O T E V E R
-Hurt someone close to you: uhh.... yeah... =(
-Broke someone's heart: think so..
-Had you heart broken: for sure
-Wonder what was wrong with you: when i was small small small
-Wish you were prince or princess: again, when i was small small small
-Like someone who was taken: nopz
-Shaved your head: no way!!!
-Used chopstick: im a chinese!!
-Sang in the mirror to yourself: =p yeapz

-Flower: some white color flowers. duno wat name
-Candy: the christmas cane candy. with red n white stripes on it!!
-Song: lydia, ni zui jing hai hao ma, blablablabla
-Scent: not too heavy ones
-Color: not specialized
-Movie: twilight!!!!!!
-Singer: jerry yan!!!
-Junk food: each n every one!!!
-Website: facebook frenzter n blog
-Location: own bedroom?
-Animal: spikey!!!
-Ever cried over someone: hell yes
-Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: alot!!!
-Do you think you're attractive: not gonna say anything.
-If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: umm... cinderella?? =p
-Do you play any sports: yeap!! badminton!!!

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