Sunday, May 30, 2010

5 things in my summer holiday


im one that loves junkfoods.
jellybeans, lollipops, potato chips, sweets, tako tako, ice creams, chocolates!! u name it. =D

so i've spent my holiday eating these. hahahhaa.
i bought chocolate bars with 6x3, and finished it within an hour. and a new bar for the second day, and finished it. n i hope i dun get diabetes. lol



i was watching dae jang geum all over again, the tradition korea drama, with lotsa cookings =D i juz love jang geum, she is awesome. LOVE HER!!! and also the male officer in it =p



sometimes i just wanna rot. u know, just plainly go rotten. its good for health at times. especially after u went through too much of stress n pressure.

so its good to just stay home n goyang kaki. i mean, watch drama, anime, comic, novels, hohoho.. i haven done these in ages. n yeah, it feels good!!!



well, i said i wanted to play piano kao kao. but in the end, ermm.. this is so dissapointing, i juz did nothing on it T-T

half of "telephone" from lady gaga, a cacat version.
practised a FIR song, named "wo men de ai", i loved that song since i first heard it. got the score ages ago, as in few years ago, but i never went playing it. the reason is plain ridiculous.

breathe deep b4 u see the reason,

> because i didnt want to ruin the song. LOL

stupid yeah i know =S but the song was so beautifully made by FIR. n everytime i play it seems to play WRONG n it doesnt please my ears. *sigh*



my lovely nephew> hong rui, is getting smarter =3
he learn to hold things, grab things, hit things, pull my hair .

i heard him saying MAMAMA~ hahahhahahaha~!!

i cant get my eyes off him n smile at him whenever he's around. =3


lets start my summer class happily =)

~ jess ~



Tuesday, May 25, 2010


1. 学会冷血,只对对我好的人好,对某些人,简直就是浪费感情
2. 学会比以前快乐,即使难过,也要微笑着
3. 学会孤独,没有谁会把你当宝护着,世界总是孤单的

4. 学会坚强,其实一个人也可以活得漂亮,自己笑给自己看,自己哭给自己听
5. 学会忍耐,该闭嘴就闭嘴,该沉默就沉默
6. 学会珍惜,知心的朋友已经不多,如果再走,就真的只剩下自己了
7. 学会视而不见,恶心的东西选择忽视,厌恶的东西选择屏蔽,不会再有人让我不快乐
8. 学会满足,所谓知足常乐
9. 学会独立,不能再一味的麻烦别人,自己的事自己做
10. 学会长大,不能再那么任性,那么幼稚,那么孩子气
11. 学会认真,认真的对人,认真的对事

12. 学会慎重,不该认识的人不要认识,不该插手的事不要插手

Sunday, May 16, 2010

小时 X 现在

可是通过 FB, 竟然给我找到他们, 也算是有缘啦。。

第一个印象,是很陌生,他们的脸似陈相识,可又不是记忆中的那张脸。也困扰了一下才敢说话。。 怕是认错了人。。

结果说着说着,小时候的习惯也跟着出来。然后就是死命的回忆小时候的生活。可有些画面飘飘浮浮,不知道是想象力作怪还是真的有那么一回事。 人老了拉。。记忆力也不如以前了 XD


我要努力找回他们!替我加油吧!! 加油加油!!



Thursday, May 13, 2010

i am stuck!!

im stuck in college!!!!!
for 2 hours++ long!!

n im bored!!
couldnt go to 6th floor since the teacher is teaching =S
can oni hang out in 3rd floor.. which is y im spamming my own blog now.

oki, later going for lagoon.
first thing to note, MUST APPLY SUNBLOCK EVERY 2 HOURS!!
then i'll have my lunch.
mmm... then i'll finish up my works tht im supposed to finish yesterday.

hopes everything goes well today, bcoz i had a really awful morning.
so cheer me up my friends!!! =D

stuck stuck stuck stuckkkkk,
~ jess ~

Sunday, May 9, 2010


went for this camp for 3 days 2 nites. n i oni made the decision to go the day before we depart. its all the adrenaline rush. lol.

here's 10 small notes of wat i've been through:

1) got into team Alpha and made our own flag, drama and cheer. we are PACMAN. =p

2) abseiling from a 60feet high building. ehh it was a disaster T-T couldnt get myself to form an L shape. >.<

3) climbed a 10feet wall, n gone through lotsa ropes obstacle (super challenging for me lah)

4) jumped into the pool, it was quite shallow tht time, about my knee length. water was cleaner than i expected. but lotsa bugs inside >.<

5) their meal were all DELICIOUS~!! =D or maybe we're jz too hungry? =p

6) had an awesome campfire, the fire was 2-3 of my height. gigantic, n lovely. =p n HOT.

7) the stars were amazing, it could be better without lights >.<

8) build a raft by ourselves, ride on the raft, n yeah, it floated!! =D n it could hold 10+ ppl =3

9) got quite a sun burn. for being exposed to the sun too much. skin peeling off now =S

10) had a GREAT AWESOME FUN HAPPY 3 days with my team mates n frens~! =D

yes its tiring, but its worth it, worth much more than the tiredness costs. =)

~ jess ~

Saturday, May 1, 2010

im determined to learn piano kao kao this holiday.

will be focusing on playing by ear of pop songs, and maybe one or two classical songs. heeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeee

just wait n see!!

oh, i havta cut my nails in order to play T-T
thts the sad thing T0T

~ jess ~