Sunday, May 24, 2009

music flowing around

music is juz an amazing thing. cant stop getting excited if i hear any super nice music flowing around(specilized to instruments =p), n cant help feeling delighted when i found another person who's great in music. it can be any songs, classical, pop romantic, u name it.

now im currently interested in :

might start working as part timers after my piano exam. so tht i can buy an new instrument. well i tried to play my brother's guitar.. but my fingers hurt by pressing those strings!!! ish.. havta balut my finger with plasters b4 i start playing. =p

n jz finished viewing joan's page, saw that performance of viva la vida mixed with love story, played by coldplay with piano n cello. woahh!!! very the nice... how i wish... >.<

im oni famliar with keyboards, so the strings n woodwind family are like strangers to me. >.< however, i still hope tht i can manage them. =)

~ jess ~


Chelsie said...

that day right got FOCAD orientation.. in my group, there's this guy, taking music... he plays the saxophone. haha! quite cute somemore.. =)

Jess Lim said...

nigel!!!! hahahahaha